October 1, 2018Which Martial Art is Right,(the Best…)
October 15, 2018

When we enter into one of our kata, an attack, or a counter-attack, we strive to move with a core body rotation that allows us to move one part of our body forward as the equal but opposite side moves back. This allows us to ‘disappear’ from the opponent without going anywhere. While this sounds like magic it is really physically quite sound.
If an attacker grasps us and we move towards him, we cannot help but push into him and thus, immediately, start up a contest of strength and size which we may not be on the positive side of. Many schools will use leverage to offset this problem, but leverage can only make up for a certain amount of difference in physical properties. If we pull away from the attacker he gets pretty much what he expected and is prepared for, and again, size and strength enter into the equation.
If you learn to move so that your one side enters as the other side retreats, and so that your hand may rise from dropping your elbow, if you are in a relaxed state you can move to a strategically advantageous position without the attack even realizing you have moved. This can set you up for your own attack.
We learn this from kata with the sword. As we move with the sword we find that if you just move forwards you balance is gone. Against one attacker this might not be too large of a problem, but it will leave you very compromised to any subsequent threats. If you practice against the blade of a knife you will quickly learn the folly of trying to push against your attacker.
I realize that much of this is hard to wrap your mind around, but when you practice it physically you will begin to understand. If you would like to train with this, come on out to any of the Nami ryu schools and you will enjoy the experience. We’d love to train with you at River of Life!